COVID Medicines Delivery Unit (CMDU) Update: Transition from pandemic-specific arrangements to ICB-led commissioning
COVID Medicines Delivery Unit (CMDU) Update: Transition from pandemic-specific arrangements to ICB-led commissioning
The joint Frimley and Surrey Heartlands CMDU has been operating since the end of December 2021, providing new COVID-19 treatments for patients in the highest risk categories in our community. We are writing to provide some important updates in this area.
Key information you must know:
· Frimley and Surrey Heartlands ICBs have been working collaboratively to implement new local pathways for COVID treatments following the publication of the NICE MTA. The way high risk patients in the community access COVID treatments will therefore change from 27 June 2023.
· The national infrastructure that has been in place that allows CMDUs to proactively contact potentially eligible patients once they report a positive test to be assessed for treatment is stopping from 27 June 2023.
· Patients who are identified as being potentially eligible will have received a letter from the national team informing them that they will no longer be proactively contacted from 27 June 2023 and will instead need to proactively self-refer.
· At this point of time is not possible to send communication directly to patients in Frimley and Surrey Heartlands ICBs who fall into the high-risk subgroups advising them of how to access the CMDU from 27 June 2023. From an IG perspective the national team are not able to share patient level information and the Ardens search that is being built to identify potentially eligible patients will not be available until after 27 June 2023.
· From 27 June 2023 if a patient who falls into one of the high risk subgroups, as defined by the Independent Advisory Group, tests positive for COVID-19 they should be advised to call 03000 24 0000 for assessment. This number will be available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
· The above number will be available via the Directory of Services referrals during out of hours.
· You do not need to prescribe or dispense nMABs or antivirals.
· You do not need to make a referral to the service. Patients in the high-risk subgroups can be advised to self-refer on the number above.
The CMDU service providers are not changing and remain as:
- East Berkshire Primary Care OOH service: who are responsible for assessing patients and prescribing treatments
- Pharmaxo: who are responsible for dispensing and delivering/ administering prescribed treatment. At this point of time the administration of the IV treatment / supply of oral medication is provided via a homecare delivery model.
Published on 21 December 2023